Sunday, August 23, 2009

Latest Tele-Addiction

" The Invaders: alien beings from a dying planet. Their destination: the Earth. Their purpose: to make it *their* world. David Vincent has seen them. For him, it began one lost night on a lonely country road, looking for a shortcut that he never found. It began with a closed deserted diner, and a man too long without sleep to continue his journey. It began with the landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now, David Vincent knows that the Invaders are here, that they have taken human form. Somehow, he must convince a disbelieving world, that the nightmare has already begun... "

  • I would have never thought that I, miss Anti-SciFi anything, would love the famous alien show of the 60s. Sci-Fi and horror are definitely at the bottom of the list of my favorite genres in both movies and television. Thanks to my dad and a family friend, I started watching it, not really thinking I'd like it so much. Boy, was I wrong. I think it's one of the best classic television shows I've ever watched. It's too bad it was only on the air for two seasons...really too bad. I've watched all but the last episode, which I'll watch tonight. A sad day it is. No more aliens burning up, no more civilians dying of cerebal hemorrhage due to that round, colorful gadget; no more brainwashing with the swirling crystal thingy, and worst of all, no more David Vincent. Yes, it'll be a very sad day for me.

