Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I am a homebody...

...I've always been of the belief that a person, such as myself, who is a 'homebody', loves to always be within the comfortable and unintimidating walls of their own home: hence homebody. This is only partly true. I've had a sudden realization that one doesn't necessarily have to be a homebody strictly in one's own household, but rather anywhere where one is relaxed and sensing the freedom to be themselves, having that 'going home' connection with their surroundings. 

Nature, all in itself, is home for me. Particularly the mountains. I don't know why this is, though I'm not complaining, mind you. Simply envisioning myself atop and looking down into the Grand Canyon or standing amidst a sunflower field in the countryside of Romania is enough to bring a wave of calm over me, and an odd sense of contentment envelopes me as though I'm really there. Too bad it's always a daydream. ...Story of my life. 

Just look at the picture of above. Can you just imagine for a moment that being your view out your window? I can. I can't stop myself from doing so. I can literally put myself right there in such a vision of vivid reality it's as if it's really happening. Look at the shadows on the trees and rock walls, or the reflection of the waterfall in the water... This is not something you can easily find in a city or the suburbs. 

Yes. I am a homebody in nature. It is a beautiful feeling.

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